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participative fresco

creation of a mural painting with local residents
neighbourhoods and the artist Rister

As part of a project with the Antin residence, we were asked to work with the Jacques Brel social centre to create a fresco. The theme of the fresco is life, and it was created by the artist Rister on the wall opposite the social centre in the Antin residence.

A number of workshops were held before the fresco was painted, to consolidate the participatory and inclusive nature of the project. Firstly, the children were able to learn about Rister's work and imagine the motifs for the future fresco, drawing inspiration from his world. They were also able to learn how to use aerosols, before putting this knowledge into practice the following week on the wall of the Antin residence.  

At the same time, the installations from our former ‘Hanging Garden’ project were renovated by our team with artist Ilona Mikneviciute to help embellish the newly-decorated square.



At the same time, the installations from our former ‘Hanging Garden’ project have been renovated by our team with the artist Ilona Mikneviciute to help embellish the newly decorated square.

aire de convivialité

participatory art workshops
designed and built with local residents
from socially challenged neighbourhoods

For two years running, the ‘aire de convivialité’ scheme has been encouraging experimentation and local ownership. Working with residents of Romainville's priority neighbourhoods, and in partnership with the local social centres, these open-air discussions give a boost to the neighbourhood by encouraging conviviality and a desire to get together, take a break and meet each other.

At the end of the discussions and reflections initiated by the artistic workshops, the participants are invited to design and build innovative street furniture during a participative worksite.

The street furniture designed (the seats, the mobile kitchen, etc.) is then deployed in the places where the residents live, so that they can reinvest the public space with their creations.

• 2023 •

• 2022 •

îlots de fraîcheur in Londeau

a participatory art project initiated by Ilona Mikneviciute with residents of the Londeau neighbourhood in Noisy-Le-Sec

The project, which is currently underway, aims to create an island of freshness in the heart of the Londeau district by drawing on the experience of local residents. Their active contribution, through artistic workshops on the themes of nature and plants, aims to create a green space in the district.